Pistol Annies are back with their third studio album. This album is everything the fans have been waiting on. So many soul-filled roots of country female vocals. The album starts upbeat with the “Interstate Prelude” and “Stop Drop and Roll One”. Then transitioning into the melancholy “Best Years of My Life” and “When I Was His Wife”.
Some of the tracks are fun and upbeat, “Got My Name Changed Back” and “Sugar Daddy” both have funny lyrics mixed with a good tune and great guitar playing. My favorite track is the album titled “Interstate Gospel”. The lyrics are relatable for nearly anyone listening. “This interstate gospel is saving my soul” I believe that this is profoundly true for all three members of the band who haven’t had any easy years recently.
This feels like a, get back up on our feet and make music because that’s what we are good at, kind of album. It has been awesome to listen to their sound grow. Miranda, Ashley, and Angaleena have truly harnessed their niche with this one.